Degree of comparison english grammar | Examples | Get easy sentences


Degree of comparison

Most adjective have three forms of comparison - positive ,comparative and superlative. they are called as degrees of comparison.

1) The positive degree is used to state the existence of a quality.
For example. smart, worthy

2)The comparative degree is used to compare between two items groups or persons
For example. smarter, worthier

3)The superlative degree is used to state the highest degree between three or more items ,groups or persons.
For example . Smartest ,worthiest

Solved examples

Q.1 ) Do as directed :

1)Most animals are not as brave as the lion.
( change to superlative)
Ans. The lion is one of the bravest animal.

2) ramnik is not as wise as he seems to be. ( change to comparative)
Ans. Ramnik seems wiser than he is.

3)Meeta's drawing was better than her handwriting. ( change to positive )
Ans. Meeta's handwriting was not as good as her drawing.

4) Mrs. Khan make the best biryani in the whole city. ( change to comparative )
Ans. No other person in the whole city makes better Biryani than Mrs. Khan.

5) The Kingfisher is the most beautiful bird. ( change to comparative )
Ans. No other bird is more beautiful than the Kingfisher.

6) Very things are as bright as the stars on a clear dark night.
( change to superlative )
Ans. The stars on a clear dark night are one of the brightest things.

7)His father is angrier at today then he was yesterday. ( change to positive )
Ans. Yesterday ,his father was not as angry as he is today.

8) the most important facts today is to persuade mrs.smith. ( change to positive)
Ans. Today no other task is as important as pursuading Mrs. Smith.

9) No one in our family is as educated as my mother. ( change to superlative )
Ans. My mother is the most educated in our family.

10) The glass figurine was the smallest one that Aman had seen.
( change to comparative)
Ans. The glass figurine was smaller than any that Aman had seen.

Practice exercise

Q.1 ) Do as Directed :

1)Our house is one of the most spacious houses in the locality.
( change to positive )

2)These chillies are not as spicy as the ones I purchased from the vendor.
( change to comparative )

3) Lakshman speaks faster than a parrot.
( change to positive)

4) A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend. ( change to positive )

5) Shivaji was braver than most other king of his time. ( change to positive )

6) This is the most precious moment in my life. ( change to positive)

7) Ramya is smarter than both her brothers. ( change to positive)

8) This is not the longest trek that I have completed. ( change to comparative)

9)Few students worked as hard as Reema on their projects.
( change to comparative )

10) It is cheaper to rent an outfit than to buy a few one. ( change to positive)

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1) few ouses in the locality are as spacious our house.

2) Even a parrot does not speak as fast as Lakshman.

3) The chillies that I purchased from the vendor was spicier than these.

4) A foolish friend is not as good as a wise enemy.

5) Very few other kings of Shivaji's time were as brave as he was.

6) No other moment in my life is as precious as this.

7) Both her brothers are not as smart as Ramya.

8) I have completed longer trek than this one.

9) Reema worked harder than most students did on their projects.

10) Buying an outfit is not as cheap as renting it.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence .

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