Heat | Defination | Types of Heat | Get easy sentences


Heat | Defination | Types of Heat
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What is heat ?

Heat is a form of energy which is transform in object. you may see various types of energy are present in our universe. for example ,heat energy, kinetic energy ,light energy etc. they are various types of energy.

What is the specific latent heat of fusion ?

The amount of heat energy absorbed at constant temperature by unit mass of solid to convert into liquid state is called the specific latent heat of fusion.

What is specific latent heat of vaporization ?

The amount of heat energy absorb at constant temperature by unit mass of a liquid to convert into gaseous phase( state )is called the specific latent heat of vaporization.

Different substances have different melting points and boiling points. the value of melting point and boiling point and latent heat depends on atmospheric pressure.
 here are the some substances which have their melting point and boiling point and latent of fusion and latent heat of vaporization .
the list are below downward,

Heat | Defination | Types of Heat

Principle of Heat Exchange

If heat is exchange between Hot and Cold object ,the temperature of the cold object goes on increasing due to gain of energy and the temperature of the hot object goes on decreasing due to loss of energy. In change in temperature continues till the temperature of both objects attain the same value. In this process the cold object gain heat energy and hot object loses heat energy . if the system of both object is isolated from the environment by keeping in inside heat resistance box ( meaning that energy exchange takes place between the two object only ) then no energy can flow from outside the box or come into the box . In this situation we get the following principal, heat energy lost by the hot object is = heat energy gained by the cold objects is called as principal of heat exchange.

Unit of heat

The units of heat are joule ( J ) in SI units, cal ( calorie ) in CGS units.
The amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 g ( gram ) of water by 1°C from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C is called one kcal Heat.

It is clear that ( 1 kcal ( kilocalorie ) = 1000 cal ( calorie) )

Specific heat capacity

The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of unit mass of an object by 1° C is called the specific heat capacity.

The specific heat capacity is donated by letter ' C ' the SI unit of specific heat is J/° C kg ,and the CGS unit is cal/g ° C.

Here,the list of some substance

1) water - ( specific heat is 1.0 cal/g ° C )

2) paraffin - ( specific heat is 0.54 cal/g ° C )

3) kerosene - ( specific heat is 0.52 cal/g ° C )

4) Aluminium - ( specific heat is 0.215 cal/g ° C )

5 ) Iron - ( specific heat is 0.110 cal/g ° C )

6) copper - ( specific heat is 0.095 cal/g ° C )

7) silver - ( specific heat is 0.056 cal/g ° C )

8 ) mercury - ( specific heat is 0.033 cal/g ° C )

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence 

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