Preposition: Definition, Uses and Examples

 A preposition is a word or phrase that connects a noun or pronoun to the other words in a sentence. The preposition used at by, for, from, out, in,till, with, above,across,along,inside,outside,over underneath,within etc.

1. The boy ate the chips that were lying on the plate.
2. The necklace was placed around her neck.

Solved examples

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition.

1. The bracelet was securely placed ___ its cover.
Ans. The bracelet was securely place (in) its cover.

2. Alka sat ___her sick child.
Ans.Alka sat (beside) her sick child.

3. Talking ___others ___ their backs is what I dislike.
Ans. Talking (about) others (behind) their backs is what I dislike.

4. The old man sat ___ the shade of The Banyan Tree to get some rest.
Ans. The old man sat (under) the shade of The Banyan Tree to get some.

5. Nina and her family love ___ our house.
Ans. Nina and her family live (near) our house.

Practice exercise

1. Fills In the blanks with suitable preposition.

1.Amit I was never able to recover ___the financial crisis.

2. The Kulkarni is stated in the flat right ___ ours.

3. A man is known ___ the company he keeps.

4. There seemed to be no communication ___ us.

5. Vitthal was least bothered ___ his wife and children.

6. Ramnik, please be clear, don't beat ___
the bush.

7. The baby spilt the milk all ___ the bedsheet.

8. One has to walk ___a river to reach our village.

9.tea is best had __ Some tasty snacks.

10. She placed her hand ___ his forehead to check whether he was ill.

Read more :

Transformation of sentences | Grammar

Infinitive english grammar

Answer key

1. Amit was never able to recover (from) the financial crisis.
2. The Kulkarni stayed in the flat (above) ours.
3. Man is known (by) the company he keeps.
4. There seem to be no communication (between)us.
5. Vitthal was least bothered (about) his wife and children.
6. Ramnik please be clear don't beat (about) the bush.
7. The baby is spilt the milk all (over) the bed sheet.
8. One has to walk (across) a river to reach our village.
9. Tea is best had (with) some tasty snacks.
10. She placed her hand (on) his forehead to check whether he was ill.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence 

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