Infinitive | english grammar | exercises


An infinitive is the verb form that has ' to' at the beginning.

E.g to respect our parents is our duty.

In the above sentence the infinitive 'to' respect is the subject of the verb 'is '.

Solved examples

Q.1 ) Combine together the following pairs of sentences by using infinitives.

1) Every cricket team has a captain. he direct the other players.
Ans. Every cricket team has a captain to direct the other players.

2) He went to Amritsar. he wanted to visit the Golden Temple.
Ans. He went to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple.

3) the old man now has little energy left to cannot take his morning constitutional Exercises.
Ans. The old man now has little energy left to take his morning constitutional exercise.

4) I speak the truth .I am not afraid of it.
Ans. I am not afraid to speak the truth.

5) the course was detailed enough. it would be widen his knowledge base.
Ans. The course was detailed enough to widen his knowledge base.

Pratice exercise

Q.1 ) Combine together the following pairs of sentences by using infinitives.

1) the Strikers held a meeting. They wished to discuss the terms of the employers employers.

2) he has some bills.he must pay them.

3) he collects old stamps even at great expense .this is his hobby.

4) they did not keep James as the Treasurer. It was a big mistake.

5) he did not have a Rupee with him.he could not buy a loaf of bread.

6) the grapes are too sour. we cannot eat them.

7) He want to earn his livelihood . He work hard for that reason.

8) the robber took out a knife. he wanted to frighten the old man.

9) this is very heavy. you cannot lift it.

10) she visit the poor. she want to relieve them of their sufferings

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Q.1 )

1) The Strikers held a meeting to discuss the terms of the employers.

2) He has some bills to pay.

3) It is hobby to collect old stamps even at great expense.

4)It was a big mistake not to keep James as the treasurer.

5)He did not have a Rupee with him to buy a loaf of bread.

6)The grapes are too sour for us to eat them.

7)he works hard to earn his livelihood.

8) The robber took out a knife to frighten the old man.

9)This is too heavy for you to lift.

10)She visited the poor to relieve them of their sufferings.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence. 

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