Transformation of sentences | Three types of Sentences | combining the sentences

 Transformation of sentences | 

Generally the sentences are of three types :

1) simple

2) compound 

3) complex 

1) simple sentences:
A simple sentence is the one which has a subject, predicate and a finite verb ( finite is a form of verb that complements a subject and can function of an independent clause)and it is independent clause.


1) the sun shines brightly.

2) the bus was late.

3) I looked for ram at the stop.

2) Compound sentences:
compound sentence is the one which is made up of two or more simple sentence and it is usually connected with one of the surrounding conjunctions - and, for ,nor, but or yet, so.

Examples :

1) Jim waited for the train but it was late.

2) it rained heavily and we wear drenched.

3) Riya left before I arrived so I did not see her.

3) complex sentences :

A complex sentence is the one which is made up of at least one main clause and one or more dependent clause usually connected with one of the surrounding conjunction -after, although, because ,if ,since, when, while, whenever,though, unless ,wherever, as.


1) he returned home because he was tired.

2) Tony visited the trevi fountain, which is in rome.

3) my mom smiled when I made dinner because she knew how inexperienced was.

Solved examples :

Q.1 ) convert the following into Simple sentences.

1) we must eat, or we cannot live.
Ans. We must eat to live.

2) Seema got off her bicycle and Parked it aside.
Ans. Getting off her bicycle ,Seema parked it aside.

3) the exact time when this occurred has not been ascertained.
Ans. The exact time of the occurrence has not been ascertained.

Q.2 ) convert the following into compound sentences.

1) if you do not hurry ,you will miss the train.

Ans. You must hurry or you will miss the train.

2) I am certain that you have made a mistake.

Ans. You have made a mistake and I am certain of this.

3) she did not complete the work because she was lazy.
Ans. She was lazy and did not complete her work.

Q.3 ) convert the following into Complex sentences.

1) he worked hard to pass the examination.
Ans. He worked hard so that he could pass the examination.

2) the doctor must come at once or the patient may die.

Ans. If the doctor does not come at once, the patient may die.

3) In his boyhood, Lincoln did not go to school.
Ans. When Lincoln was a boy, he did not go to school.

Pratice exercise

Q.1 ) convert the following into Simple sentences.

1) I believe that God exists.

2) The statue that was made of marble was brought from Greece.

3) He left early from work and headed straight from home.

4) as he felt cold ,he lit a fire.

5) The hunter took out his gun. He went to shoot the lion.

Q.2 ) convert the following into compound sentences.

1) He gave himself up because the fight useless.

2) if you come here, you will repent it.

3) completing their work for the day ,the carpenters went home.

4) Being afraid of heights, he never went trekking.

Q.3 ) convert the following into Complex sentences.

1) He bought his uncle's library.

2) he put on his hat and went outside.

3) he bent down and picked up the paper.

4) I was the first to hear the news.

5) He admitted to stealing the watch.


Q.1 ) convert the following into Simple sentences.

1) I believe in the existence of god.

2) the marble statue was brought from Greece.

3) leaving early from work, he headed straight from home.

4) feeling cold, he lit a fire.

5) taking out his gun .the hunter went to shoot the lion.

Q.2 ) convert the following into compound sentences.

1) the fight was useless, so he gave himself up.

2) you can come here ,but you will repent it.

3) the carpenters completed their work for the day and went home.

4) He was afraid of heights and never went trekking.

5) He lifted the box ,but with great effort.

Q.3 ) convert the following into Complex sentences.

1) He bought the library which belonged to his uncle.

2) He went outside after putting on his hat.

3) after bending down, he picked up the paper.

4) I was the first who got to hear the news.

5) He admitted that he had stolen the watch.

Combining sentences

1) Combining sentences using ' so..... that or no sooner......than..

The use of 'so...... that' or ' no
sooner.....than...' to combine the sentences establishes a cause - effect relationship between the two clauses.


1) He worked very hard . He was able to repay the loan quickly.
Ans. He worked so hard that he was able to repay the loan quickly.

2) she read the telegram. She fainted at once.
Ans. No sooner did she read the telegram then she fainted at once.

2) remove 'too'

While removing ' too ' from a sentences 'so ....that' is used along with the modal auxiliary such as can, cold ,will, would.


1) He was too weak to walk.
Ans. He was so weak that he could not walk.

2) she walked too fast for us to catch up with her.

Ans. She walked so fast that we could not catch up with her.

3) Interchanging one part of speech for another.


1) it costs twelve rupees. ( verb )

Ans. The cost is twelve rupees. ( noun )

2) He gave a curt reply. ( adjective )
Ans. He replied curtly. ( adverb )

Solved examples

Q.1) transform the given sentences as directed in the brackets.

1) Suman is too honest to tell a lie.
( remove ' too ' )

Ans. Suman is so honest that she would never tell a lie.

2) I was excited I couldn't sleep at all.
( use so...that...)

Ans. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at all.

3) The child saw his mother .He ran towards her.
( use no sooner..than...)
Ans. No sooner did the child see his mother then he ran towards her.

4) He fought courageously.
( change the underlined part of speech to noun form and rewrite )
Ans. He fought with courage.

5) you are too young to get married now.
( Remove ' too)

Ans. You are so young ,that you cannot get married now.

6) the party was very exciting. we enjoy it heartily. ( use so...that..)
Ans. The party was so exciting that we enjoyed it heartily.

7) The boy gave a witty answer.

( change the underlined part of speech to the adverb form and rewrite )
Ans. The boy answered wittily.

8) I had a cup of hot coffee. soon I started feeling better.
( use no sooner...than..)
Ans. No sooner did I have a cup of hot coffee then I started feeling better.

9) he was rewarded handsomely for his bravery.
( change the underlined part of speech to the adjective form and rewrite )
Ans. He was given a handsome reward for his bravery.

10 ) the students saw the principal. they remained silent at once.
( use no sooner...than...)

Ans. No sooner did the students see the principal then they remained silence at once.

 Determiners grammer

Participles gerund | English grammar |

Active and passive voice | english grammar |

Pratice exercise

Q.1) transform the given sentences as directed in the brackets.

1) she is very patient while dealing with the patients. ( change the underline part of speech to adverb form and rewrite )

2) the puzzle is too easy for anyone to crack. ( remove ' too' )

3) the dog started barking. the thief escaped. ( use no sooner...than..)

4) my brother promised that he would come home for Diwali.
( change the underlined part of speech to noun form and rewrite )

5) the moment she entered the room , she switched on the lights.
( use no sooner....than..)

6) the mob was too unruly to be controlled. ( remove ' too ' )

7) when the cat is away the mice come out and play. ( use so...that...)

8) she was very charming. I couldn't take my eyes off her. ( use so...that..)

9) his paintings are full of creativity.
( change the underlined part of speech to adjective form and rewrite )

10 ) He is too simple.he does not understand the games people play.
( remove ' too ' )

Read more :


1) she deals patiently with the patients.

2) the puzzle is so easy that anyone can crack it.

3) no sooner did the dog start barking then the thief escaped.

4) my brother made a promise that he would come home for Diwali.

5) No sooner did she Enter the room, then she switched on the lights.

6) the mob was so unruly that it could not be controlled.

7) no sooner is the cat away then the mice come out and play.

8) she was so charming, that I couldn't take my eyes off her.

9) His paintings are creative.

10 ) He is so simple that he does not understand the games that people play.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence.

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