wh- question | english grammar | Defination | Examples | partice questions

 WH - Question

WH question are those question that begins( starts ) with what, why, when, who, whom, whose, which ,where and how.

1) who, whom,whose

Who, whom and whose are used to refer to person only.

2) which

' Which' implies a question where the answer will most likely be a limited number .it is used for things. it is also used for description.

3) what

" What' may be used to refer the names of things in reference to a person's profession, religion, origin, etc .

4) why

'Why 'it is used for reason.

5) where

'Where' he is used to refer to place of origin ,destination etc.

6) when

'When' is used to refer to time.

7) how

How is used to refer the manner or way in which something is done or to the state of something.

Solved examples

Q.1 )Frame WH question to get the underlined part as answer.

1) my uncle died before I was born.
Ans. When did your uncle die ?

2) I took them out to a nearby restaurant for dinner.
Ans. Where did you take them out for dinner ?

3) I hear the toll of the Church bell.
Ans. What do you hear ?

4) I write to my friend Sam in Australia.
Ans. To whom did you write ?

5) absence make the heart grow fonder.
Ans. What Makes the heart Grow fonder ?

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Pratice exercise with answers 

Q.2 ) Frame WH question to get the underlined part as answer.

1) she found her gold earring near the closet.

2) my son Romi broke the antique vase.

3) The dishes were piled in the basin.

4) The letter from my aunt arrived in

5) Sheetal plans to continue her research.

6) Reshma work relentlessly to complete her assignment on time.

7) The Rose had bloomed in spite of all hurdles.

8) my father worked hard to support the family.

9) these gold Bangles belong to his late

10 ) Mohit's uncle spoke to loudly that all the residents of the locality where stunned.


1) where did she find her gold earring ?

2) what did your son Romi break ?

3) what was piled in the basin ?

4) what arrived in December ?

5) what does Sheetal plan to do ?

6) who worked relentlessly to complete her assignments on time ?

7) what had bloomed in spite of all hurdles.

8) why did your father work hard ?

9) To whom do this Bangles belong ?

10) who spoke so loudly that all the residents of the locality where stunned?

I hope you understand this concept in easy Sentences. 

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