Kepler's Three law of planetary motion | Defination | Diagram | About Kepler


Kepler's three law

Kepler's laws

Planetary motion had been observed by astronomers since ancient times. Before Galileo, all observation of the planets positions where made with naked eyes. By the 16th century a lot of data were available about planetary position and motion. Johanness Kepler,studied these data . He notice that the motion of planets follow certain laws. He stated three laws describing planetary motion.

These are known as Kepler's laws which are given below :

Kepler's First Law :
The orbit of a planet is an ellipse ( oval shape ) with the sun at one of the foci ( two focus )

Kepler's first law ,said that orbit of a planet is an ellipse means ,(oval shape) with the sun at one of the foci means the position of sun will be on first or second focus .

Figure Show,The elliptical orbit of a Planet revolving around the sun the position of the sun is indicated by


Keplers three law

Kepler's Second law :

The line joining the planet and the sun sweeps equal areas in equal interval of time.

Ab and CD are distances covered by the planet in equal time that is after equal interval of time ,the position of the planet starting from A and C are shown by B and D respectively. the straight line AS and CS equal areas in equal interval of time that is area ASB and CSD are equal.

Planets move faster when comes closer to the sun and move slower when far from the sun.

Kepler's three law

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Kepler's third law :

The cube of the Mean distance ( Average Distance ) of the planet from the sun is directly proportional to the square of Orbital period of revolution of a planet around the sun.

What is directly and inversely proportional ?

1) directly proportional
Suppose two planets are there ,if the mass of one planet is increase then the mass of other planets will be also increase .

2)inversely proportional
Suppose two ice are there, if the mass of one ice is increase then the mass of other ice decrease.

This law said that, the cube of average distance from the planet is equal if we square the Orbital period of revolution of a planet.

Introduction to scientists

Johannes Kepler ( 1571-1630 ) was a German astronomer and mathematician.
He started working as a helper to the famous astronomer Tycho Bahe in Prague in 1600. After the sudden death of
Bahe 1601,Kepler was appointed as the royal mathematician in his place. Kepler used the observation of planetary position made by brahe to discover the laws of planetary motion. He wrote several books. His work was later used by Newton in postulating his law of gravitation.

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Kepler's law of planetary motion | Hindi

I hope you understand the three laws of Kepler's in easy sentence

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