participles and gerunds

 Gerunds and participles


A participle is a form of verb that act as an adjective or combines with the verb 'to be' to form verb tenses. participle is usually added to the description of a noun in the sentence.

Present participle end in " ING "
E.g sleeping ,eating ,studying ,cooking

1) she is a sleeping beauty.

2) the buzzing sound of the cicadas kept Sheela awake all the night.

3) a lying man out to be punished.

4) the flying kites appear beautiful.

Past participles end either in ' en ' or ' ed '

E.g broken, swollen ,eaten, wronged

1) she swept away the fallen leaves.

2) the farmer exhausted after a long day in the field rested beneath a Shady tree.


Gerund is the present participle form of a verb that acts as a noun. we can use a gerund as the subject ,the complement of a sentence ,the object of a sentence and also after a preposition.

It always ends in - ing

1) walking help one keep fit.
( Subject of the sentence)

2) her favourite hobby is swimming.
( complement of the sentence)

3) I enjoy eating Street foods.
( object of the sentence )

4) I am tired of speaking.
( used after a preposition )

3) the ING ending can indicate Gerund or present participle. the simplest way to find if an ing word is a gerund or a participle is to check if the word describe something else .if the word describe another word for act as an adjective it is a present participle.


1) sleeping pills are injurious to health
( participle)

2) walking is a great exercise
( gerund )

See other grammer related post

Passive and active voice

Solved examples

1. Take out the participle and gerund in the following sentences :

1) walking on the wet floor is not permissible.
Ans. Walking ( gerund )

2) we saw a weeping woman by the side of the road.
Ans. Weeping ( participle)

3) the creaking window disturbed the Silence in the library.
Ans. Creaking ( participle)

4) playing the guitar cheers her spirits.

Ans.playing ( gerund)

5) there was a deafening noise at the gathering.

Ans. Defening ( participle)

6) skiing is not for the faint hearted.

Ans.skiing ( gerund )

7) writing is my therapy.
Ans. Writing ( gerund )

8) she had a broken pair of glasses.

Ans.broken ( participle)

I hope you understand the concept in easy sentence.

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