passive and active voice


Active and passive voice:

Sentence be active or passive

Active voice :

In active sentences the things or person performing the action in is the subject of the sentence and the thing or a person affected by the action in the object.

Examples :

1) the professor teaches the students.
2) John washes the dishes.

1)  The professor ( Subject )
( performing The action )

teaches ( verb )

the students ( object )
(Affected by the action )

2 )
  Jhon ( Subject )
( performing The action )

Washes ( verb )

The dishes ( object )
( performing The action )

Passive voice :

In passive sentences the things or person affected by the action is placed before the subject in the sentence and the things or person performing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence

Examples :

1) the students are taught by the professor.
2) the dishes are washed by John

1) the students ( subject )
(Affected by action )

Are taught ( verb ) passive

By the professor ( object )
(Performing the action )

2) The dishes ( object )
(Affected by action )

Are washed ( verb ) passive

By John ( subject )
( performing the action )

Solved Examples

Q.1 ) change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.

1) my sister baked the cake for my birthday
Ans. A Cake was baked by my sister for my birthday.

2) shut the door .
Ans. Let the door be shut.

3) He will finish the work in a fortnight.
Ans. The work will be finished in a fortnight by him.

4) my father drove the car on the way to Pune.
Ans. The car on the way to Pune was driven by my father.

5) her voice drove the thieves out of the room.

Ans. The thieves where driven out of the room by her voice.

Q.2 ) change the voice of the following sentences from passive to active

1) the cheese was eaten by Sarah.
Ans. Sarah ate the cheese.

2) Reema 'a sari was draped by her mother.
Ans. Reema's mother draped the sari for her.

3) the delicate vase was smashed by the cricket ball.
Ans. The cricket ball match the delicate vase.

4) let the salad be passed here.
Ans. Pasta the salad here.

5) Raju was rewarded for his honesty by his employers.
Ans. Raju's employers rewarded him for his honesty.

Q.3 ) Practice exercise

Note : Answer are given in downward but you should try to solve this question without seeing ours given answers.

Q.1 ) change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.

1) My son cleaned the dishes before noon.

2) We handed our notebooks to our teacher.

3) she decorated the Christmas tree tastefully.

4) I locked the door securely before I left for the market.

5) Ratna has done all the bargaining.

Q.2 ) change the voice of the following sentence from the passive to active.

1) during the party, seven pastries where eaten by Ron.

2) the alarm was set for 6 a.m. by my mother.

3) this real life portrait was painted by the great M. F Husain.

4) the experiment on light was demonstrated by the teacher.

5) our attendance for the day was Marked by the monitor.


Q.1 ) change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.

1) the dishes were cleaned before noon by my son.

2) our notebooks where handed to our teacher by us.

3) the Christmas tree was tastefully decorated by her.

4) the door was locked by me before I left for the market.

5) all the bargaining had been done by Ratna.

Q.2 ) change the voice of the following sentences from active to passive.

1) ron ate seven pastries during the party.

2) my mother set the alarm for 6:00 a.m.

3) the great M.F Husain painted this real life portrait.

4) the teacher demonstrated the experiment on light.

5) the monitor marked our attendance for the day.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence..

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