what is psychology | definition | Get easy sentences

 What is Psychology


Although psychology is new for us in terms of study, we are aware of this subject from our childhood,

because we have been observing different forms of emotions, behaviour, moods of human beings.
Human behaviour is full of diversity. This diversity amazes us. When we open daily newspaper ,
watch news on T.V. we see different aspects of human behaviour.

The history of Psychology

Psychology is a vast field studying behaviours
aspects of mankind. This makes it difficult to
define psychology precisely and in concrete

Psychology did not emerge directly as a science.
It started as a branch of philosophy. It evolved as a separate branch later 19th century.
Plato believed that knowledge is innate, whereas
John Locke thought that each child is born as an empty slate´ and that knowledge is primarily acquired through learning and experience.

Plato - Athenian philosopher
Plato - Athenian philosopher

John Locke - English philosopher
John Locke - English philosopher

Science of soul

The first attempt to define psychology was
made on the basis of the terminology used. The
word Psychology was derived from two Greek
words – ‘Psyche’ and ‘Logos’. Psyche means
soul or mind and logos means science or branch of knowledge. Thus psychology was meant to bethe Science or branch of knowledge that deals
with soul or mind.

But later psychologists were not satisfied with
this definition. To them, soul was difficult to
study as it could neither be visualized nor could be described in concrete terms.

Heat | Defination | Examples

Preposition grammer | Defination | uses and examples

Both Soul and mind are abstract concepts.
Rational Sciences establish their facts from observation and experimentation. If Psychology is a Science, it must be based on some sort of
observation and experimentation. However ,
neither soul nor mind can be observed. Wecannot see or touch them. We can’t describe its nature nor can we say where it exists. Therefore, the definition of psychology was modified.

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence 

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