Direct and indirect speech | English Grammar | Get Easy Sentences

 Direct and indirect speech

The words of a speaker may be reported in two ways:

1. Direct speach: here, whatever the speaker has said, is reported in the same way that he/she has said it.
E.g. She said,"It's cold

2. Indirect speech: here, whatever the speaker has said is reported by a third person, who is not part of the conversation
E.g. She said that it was cold.

Rules for changing direct speech into indirect speech

1. When the reporting verb is in the past tense in indirect speech, the verbs in indirect speech will be written in the corresponding past tense
Direct speech: Joe said,"It is time to leave."

Indirect speech:Joe said that it was time to leave.

Direct speech: Tanmay said," I have passed the the examinations."

Indirect speech: Tanmay said that he had passed the examination.

2. The tense of the reported speech remains unchanged is the statement is still relevant to or is a universal truth.
Direct speech: the teacher said," all the children have become naughty."

Indirect speech: the teacher said that all the children have become naughty.

Direct speech: Rohan told Sheetal," the sun sets in the West each evening."

Indirect speech: Rohan Tod Sheetal that the sun sets in the West each evening.

3. When the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tenses in the direct speech remained unchanged.
Direct speech:he says," I am unwell."

Indirect speech: he says that he is unwell.

4. The pronouns and the direct speech will change, such as the first person pronoun in direct speech will turn into a third person pronoun in indirect speech.

Direct speech: he said," I feel lazy"

Indirect speech: he said that he felt lazy.

5. Words expressing nearness in terms of distance or our time are changed in two words expressing distance.
Direct speech: he said to me," you should leave for home now."

Indirect speech: he told me to leave for home then.

6. This and these change to that and those useless these things are near, when the switch is being reported.
Direct speech: father said," I am glad to be home this evening."

Indirect speech: father said that he was glad to be home that evening.

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1. The following sentences are given in direct speech. Change them into indirect speech.

1. Rohit said," I am a superstar."
Ans: Rohit said that he was a superstar.

2.' Have you anything to tell me, little bird?' Asked Ulysses.
Ans: Ulysses asked the little bird if if it had anything to tell him.

3.' Can you solve this problem?'He asked me.
Ans: he asked me whether I could solve that problem.

4." Before my condition was diagnosed, I had been very bored with life," said hawking.
Ans:Hawking explained dad before his condition had been diagnosed be had been very bored with life.

5."Yes,I think some of the unfortunate and did not work to my benefit,"said Mary.
Ans: Mary admitted that some of her decision were unfortunate and they did not work to her benefit.

2. The following sentences are given in indirect speech. Change them into to direct speech.

1. Deepak asked her of she would be free the next day to go for a movie with him.
Ans:" Are you free tomorrow to go for a movie with me?"Deepak asked her.

2. The Prince asked the girl if she had come from India.
Ans: "Have you come from India?"said the prince to the girl.

3. My mother gladly offered to cook my favourite dishes that day.
Ans: mother gladly replied," I will cook your favourite dishes today."

4. Subhash Chandra bose asked his countrymen to give him blood and in exchange he would give them freedom.
Ans: Subhash Chandra bose told his countrymen," give me your blood, and I will give you freedom."

5. He exclaimed that it was indeed a beautiful piece of art.
Ans:" what a beautiful piece of art this is!"He said.


1. The following sentence are given in direct speech. Change into indirect speech.

1. Reema said," I have a bad headache"

2." I have no plans of returning to India," he told her," I plan to settle in Dubai."

3. Raj said," I hope my mother recovers soon."

4."Be quite. I am preparing for exams."

5.she said," my brother is living in Australia."

2. The following sentences are given in indirect speech. Change them into direct speech.

1. She said that she was buying books that day.

2. He enquired whether his name was Amit.

3. My teacher says that if we work hard then we will succeed.

4. Naresh said he wished he could be independent.

5. She told her mother that she was going to the doctor.

Answer key


1. Reema complaint that she had a bad headache.

2. He pointedly told her that he had no plans of returning to India and that he planned to settle in Dubai.

3. Raj hoped that his mother would recover soon.

4. She requested us to be quite while she was preparing for her exam.

5. She Informed that her brother was living in Australia.


1. She said," I am buying books today."

2.He asked,"Isn't your name Amit?"

3. My teacher says," if we work hard, we will succeed."

4. Naresh said," how I wish I were independent!"

5.She said," Mother, I am going to the doctor."

I hope you understand this concept in easy sentence

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