What is Force with Example | Types of Forces with Examples

What is Force And what are there types

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1) What is force ?

   Force is also known as energy which is applied by any object do other object.Force occurs by change in motion

   If we changed the position of any object then we changed the position of any object then we require every from our body.

   Thus,from energy a force is created.After applying the force a position of any object will be changed.

2)Types of force :

      1) Muscular force

      2) Mechanical force

      3) Frictional force

      4) Gravitational force

      5) Electrostatic force

      6) Magnetic force

      7) Centripetal force

      8) Centrifugal force

      9) Nuclear force

1) Muscular force

    Muscular force done by our muscles, due to this they are called muscular force.


     For example,

     You are lifting any object then your muscles are used for this activity.

     Thus, muscular force occur.

     Because your are putting a force by your muscles.

     Another example is,

     A person name is John.

 While doing exercise daily,during exercise his muscles are used to do the activities.

  When we         are Jumping,running,climbing,etc.A force occur which is known as muscular force because we use our muscles to do any activity.

2) Mechanical force 

    In simple sentence,

                     A force which is generated by any machine is called mechanical force.

Let us take few examples,

1) Sharpening a pencil with a sharpener.

   Pencil is object and sharpener is small machine which is used to sharp a pencil.

2) Making a hole into wood by hand drill.

     Hand drill  is a machine which we used to make a hole in wood.

3) Frictional force

     Frictional force occur by two surfaces which they contact against each other .

     The main reason of frictional force is the force of attraction between two object.

     For example,

             If an object is placed against a object then between those object a invisible force if created due to force of  attraction between those object.

Now, there are some types of friction.

So, what are the types of force friction ?

1)what is kinetic friction force?

In a simple word,

      When you move a book from desk slightly then those of book feels a some type of friction means a force that acts on moving object.

       This force is known as kinetic friction force.

It occur when the two surface (means surface of book ) and desk  ( surface of desk ) are rub against each other.

2)What is static friction force?

  Static friction is a type of friction force that keep an object at a rest position ( no motion )

Suppose of a book is put on a desk and not moving this is because of a type Of friction force which is known as static friction force.

For example,

      A car parked on a hill because of static friction force which help to parked the car without any motion.

3)What is rolling friction force?

Rolling friction happens when a ball,wheel and cylinder rolls on the surface freely, because of falling friction force.

That's why we called rolling friction force.

Rolling friction is one of the types of kinetic friction. 

    It is because they comes into force when one body rolls over the other surface.

For example,

    A wheel of a car rolls on the surface of earth because of rolling friction force.

   These are the types of friction force.

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4)What is gravitational force?

 The gravitational force is a type of force at which object get attracted by gravity force.

Gravitational force pulls object to the earth gravity

That's why this is known as gravitational force.

       For example,

 If you throw a ball in the air then the gravitational force will be apply on the ball so then after ball fall down to the earth's surface.

5) What is Electrostatic force?

    Electrostatic force is the type of force at which electricity charged particles or some objects between them are exist.

    For example ,

1) If we rub the scale with our hair while applying oil then Electrostatic force are produces.

2) Balloons get attracted to another balloon when one of then are rubbed with hair.

   In a simple sentence,

    When we rubbed some objects or materials then a type of force are create is known as Electrostatic.

6) What is magnetic force?

    Magnetic force can attract or repel (push away) objects which have magnetic materials like irons inside magnetic objects are known as Magnetic force.

     In a simple sentences,

     A magnetic force attracted (pull) or repel (push) any object.

     For example,

      A magnet can pick a iron or coin due to force between magnetic field of  magnet.

7) what is centripetal force?

    It is a type of force that acts on any objects moving into a circular path and these force are directed (come) towards the centre at which a object moving.

   For example ,

1)A stone tired to a string moving along a circular path.

   In simple sentence,

   Centripetal force always directed toward the centre of the circle.

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8) What is Centrifugal force?

    Centrifugal force is a unvisible type of force which direct outward from the centre of a circle where object is moving.

    For example,

    Let suppose, A car moving on a circular road then two types of force will be apply on car.

1) Centripetal force

2) Centrifugal force

   Centripetal force directed toward the centre of circle while Centrifugal directed toward from the circle.

    Both force directed from inward and outward balanced the direction of car.

Point to remember

    Any object moving in a circular path are due to centripetal and Centrifugal force.

9) What is Nuclear force?

   Nuclear force which is also known as strong force or Nuclear interactions.

   The force that acts between two or more nucleons (proton and neutrons are known as nucleons) into atomic nuclei (centre of atom) is called Nuclear force.

   For example,

1) This force is used in Nuclear weapon to destroy any huge objects.

     This force is responsible for immense destruction power by Nuclear weapons.

2) They are also used in Nuclear Power plant to generate(produce) energy and electricity.


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